Monday, November 24, 2014

Cross Country Girls Spread

Below is my almost finished Cross Country Girls Spread. The only thing (I hope) I have to do is get quotes from Amber for her module, from Ana since the quote is next to her picture, from Azalia for the title (since her pictures next to it), and from me for the dominant photo. I also have to cutout Amber's photo for the module.
Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Friday, November 21, 2014

Cross Country WIP, with photos

So this week, I have been working on the Girls Cross Country Spread. From my last post, I have added and changed a few things. Both the module and dominant photo placement have been worked out (maybe). I also added a ribbon across  I'm still working on the quote placement.
Suggestions? Comments? Concerns?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Cross Country WIP

So this week, I have started designing my spread for cross country girls as well as gathering the photos for the spread. Here are a few photos I plan to put in the spread. These photos are taken by Coach Eddie Castillo and Mr. Matthew Meinheit, respectively.

Below is the start of the cross country girls spread. I plan to use the gray space for the module and the blue space for photos.The "Anatomy of a Runner", the module, will be a cutout of either Amber Garza or Alex Olivares. The girl not used for the module will be in the dominant photo. These are my plans so far.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Twin Spread WIP

So this week, I have been working on my Twin Spread design and organizing the paperwork that will be involved in the Twin Spread. It's not finished yet, but this is how it will kind of look.

I like the use of the teal ribbon because it pops out compared to the rest of the page. It's a great place to have a module because then people's eyes will be attracted to it. I might move the names to the bottom of the photo frame depending on how the studio shots come out.