Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Okay, Okay. For Real This Time.

So Deadline Day, or D-Day as I like to call it, was a bit of a panic and a blur for me. The "deadline" didn't just start at the last couple of hours. No it started at the beginning of the week of D-Day. My other fellow editors, Kelsey and Hannah, and I were all in Mr. Meinheit's room during lunch trying to finish up spreads that people never did. Kelsey was finishing up last minute touches on her Senior Pages, Hannah was just editing pages, and I had just finished my Thespian Society spread. Then chaos occurred, or as we like to call it "the page count panic". Meinheit was on Pictavo making sure there was enough room for everything (just casually checking) when all of a sudden he realized that oh no, we didn't have enough room for all our spread. One: we made too many group pages than we created in Pictavo. Two: We didn't have enough room for other spreads because we needed those pages for the Senior Class Pages. Then, there was the matter of getting the Senior Pages down from 26 to 24 pages. There was a bit of a panic for about 20 minutes before we came up with a solution. After looking at the group pages, I managed to fix it so it went from 6 to 5 pages; therefore giving Kelsey the extra page she needed after she moved it down from 26 to 24 pages. Also, after much debate, the four of us sadly decided to do away with Pep Rallies and Underclass Bloopers to make room for our Yearbook Staff page and another page that I can't seem to recall. And then we helped Kelsey rearrange the Senior Superlatives, so she could cut the pages down. That was the most panic I had during D-Day week. The second worst was when we tried to submit it and apparently we needed to approve all the pages, and we didn't do that. So instead of the yearbook getting turned in at 12:00am, it got turned in around 12:30am. THE END!

My Real Deadline Experience

I really can't even.

My Deadline Experience

I can't even.