Friday, August 29, 2014

Class Pages Designs

So this week, I've been reworking the designs for the class pages. I designed them up last year, but I had to resize all of the spread to fit this year's template. I've also added in the theme colors and fonts to the spread. For the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, we will be using this template. (IT'S NOT FINISHED YET!)

And for the Senior class page, we will be using this template.

Friday, August 22, 2014

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

So this past week, there has been mass pandemonium over the ALS ice bucket challenge. This challenge was created in honor of Pete Frates back in 2013 and has since then spread all over the world. Celebrities like Justin Timerblake, Jennifer Lopez, Pharrell Williams, One Direction, Cheryl Cole, Kelly Clarkson, Victoria Beckham, Pamela Anderson, Derek Jeter, Anne Hathaway, Shay Mitchell, and many others have taken the challenge of dumping ice cold water on their head in support of ALS. This once small, local challenge in Pete Frates' community has spread quickly, and it is now here in our community. Students and staff alike have taken the ALS ice bucket challenge, myself included, and many more are still to come.

Below are the shots I took at Coach Figeroa's ALS ice bucket challenge.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Hello fellow readers! Just kidding, no one follows me except for Meinheit. Sad face! Anyways, this will still be on the big screen, so you all are going to see it nonetheless. Well this week, I didn't really get anything done design wise, besides finish the template that I've been working on for a couple of days.

Side note: Yes, we now have a template that will be used for the yearbook pages. The measures are (or should be) all right for when we put the final product onto Pictavo. The color swatches are all available and the style sheets are all there. If you want to know how to get to these options, read my last post or ask me in person. I do not feel like typing it all out again. (So really just ask me if you don't feel like looking at my last post.)

But what I did do all week, as I'm sure the rest of you did, too, was help out with Senior Portraits. Every period that I was there, I helped dress the girls into their formals and graduation gowns. I also helped dress the guys for their graduation gowns. I refrained from dressing the guys into the formal wear because I am not a good judge of size for boys, and I would have just slowed down the process. And not only did I do the above mentioned, but I also stayed during 8th period on Tuesday to reorganize all of the guys formal wear (with the help of Xenia) because it was a complete mess to fix. I also did that during 4th period on Wednesday (with the help of Caroline S.) because by then, it was also a complete mess.

Side note: It was only on Tuesday that I didn't dress the guys in formal wear. All the rest of the days, I did help when needed.

Here's all the hard work we did for senior pictures!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Mackenzie Keeton hard at work while Alex Olivares takes a selfie the "wrong" way with Kelsey Osburn and Caroline Braslau.

Thursday, August 14, 2014
Picture of (left to right) Kelsey Osburn, Alex Olivares, Caroline Braslau, and Mackenzie Keeton in their graduation gowns and NHS stole and cords. Photo by Alex and photographer. Photobomb by Marco the photographer.

 Thursday, August 14, 2014
Alex Olivares takes a selfie the "right" way with Caroline Schwing and Kelsey Osburn.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Alex Olivares takes a selfie the "right" way with Alex the photographer.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Caroline Schwing takes a selfie the "right" way with Alex Olivares, Kelsey Osburn, and Alex the photographer.
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Best friends and brothers Caroline Schwing and Hanna Roberts take prom pictures with their dates and best friends Alex Olivares and Hannah Bratton. (Yes these are their real smiles) (Don't judge!) After these photos were taken, Caroline and Hanna ditched their dates and just took prom pictures with each other instead. (They had a very nice time at the dance while Alex and Hannah were left to fend for themselves.)
If you weren't there with us to experience this wonderful magic, then you missed out. We had tons of fun every day and always made each other laugh. And despite all the laughs, we were all focused and on task when it came down to it. We dressed everybody efficiently and nicely (does that even make sense together)(oh well). There were no mishaps to happen, at least when I was there. And even though I posted this with one day still to go, I would call this a very successful Senior Portrait Day! (:
Yours Truly,

Friday, August 8, 2014

Yearbook Style sheets and Theme colors

These past few days, I have been working on creating the color swatches and style sheets for everyone to use when they are in InDesign. The top picture is about the sizes that we are using for the yearbook (subject to change) and the colors the words are in are about our theme colors (subject to change). The bottom picture is what Hannah created. It's just the Theme Colors and Fonts we are using for our yearbook this year.
So if you are working in InDesign on a spread for the yearbook, on the right side you will find a tab that says SWATCHES. Click on it and you will see all the basic colors that InDesign comes with. Scroll down and you will see our theme colors. Use them as you please. And also if you click on WINDOWS and then STYLES, a box will pop-up. It should have all the fonts on there. (It should be options like "Label", "Caption", and so on.)