So this week, I've been reworking the designs for the class pages. I designed them up last year, but I had to resize all of the spread to fit this year's template. I've also added in the theme colors and fonts to the spread. For the freshmen, sophomores, and juniors, we will be using this template. (IT'S NOT FINISHED YET!)
And for the Senior class page, we will be using this template.
These look great. I just have a couple of questions about some of the text alignment. The Freshmen and Sophomores pages look like they are aligned differently than the Juniors page. Also, the Juniors page is missing the little text under the headline. Other than those text issues, I think these are great and I can't wait to see what they look like once we start filling them in with the actual photos (also a good reminder to come up with a system to make sure none of the place holder photos make it into the book by mistake).