Thursday, April 16, 2015

What I Learned in Boating School Is...

The title should really be "What I Wished I Learned Before Boating School Is...", but that's not what Spongebob said so therefore that is why I have that title. Mr. Meinheit (you) is always telling me, and other students (but mainly me), that you have to have a reason that you do something, such as a specific design or color or idea. He (you) always tells me that it has to tie in with your work, therefore, it has to be connected in some way and can't just be a random color or graphic. So my title is revenant because one, it's Spongebob and he's cool, and two, it ties in with my first paragraph. (If this first paragraph didn't make any sense to you, then just ignore it because it made sense to me.)

Anyways, back to the real reason this post is about.

1.) I wished I had known how much fun it would have been my sophomore year because then i would have even more experience under my belt.

2.) I wished I had know about the joys of designing stuff. When I was younger, I was always fascinated by building stuff. But learning all the computer stuff and about Indesign, I wished I had spent more time constructing things on paper rather than in 3-D because now I find 2-D more fascinating.

3.) I wished I had known about keyboard shortcuts. That would have made my life so much better and easier during my freshman and sophomore year.

I can't really think of anything else, and this is due right now, so I'm done.


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