Friday, February 6, 2015

Alex Garza's Senior Ad

This is Alexandra Garza's finished Senior Ad. On the first version, I had the younger picture of her in the flowers switched with the older picture in the background. But they wanted it switched, so that was an easy fix. Basically, before I started the ad, Alex had told me a basis of what she wanted it to look like, and I went off of that. Also, the text box was purplish because I drew it from the flowers in the background of the younger picture when it was originally in the background. I forgot to change the color when I switched the pictures, but the parents still liked it, so I kept it as is.

1 comment:

  1. What was your logic with your drop shadows? Some have them. Some don't. Some are on the left. Some are on the right. Have a logic in place for your design decisions that goes deeper than, "It needs something ... more." I've used the "It needs something more" explanation in my younger days, and I was wrong more times than I was right.

    Also, watch out for how you use script fonts in longer blocks of type. They can be difficult to read if you don't give them enough size and spacing.
